1817 results

The benefits of COVID-19 vaccination greatly outweigh the minimal risk of myocarditis in teen and young adult males after receiving second dose of mRNA.

Heart, Infectious Diseases

Our athletic trainers provide on-field care to growing athletes, as well as rehabilitation for children and teens after a sports-related injury or illness.

Our expert neurologists at Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta deliver specialized treatment and care for children and teens with neurological disorders.

Our Supportive Care Clinic helps children with serious illnesses and their families live as well as possible, promoting hope and well-being at all stages.

Pediatric experts at Children’s provide helpful tips and information for parents about everyday childhood illnesses like the flu.

Here to help parents with advice from our pediatric orthopedic specialists on how to care for kids’ and teens’ bones.

Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine

Children's Healthcare of Atlanta offers specialized care that kids deserve from pediatric doctors, nurses & specialists who understand their unique needs.

The Aflac Cancer and Blood Disorders Center offers a BMT Survivor Clinic to support cancer and blood disorder patients who have received a BMT.

As a top pediatric surgery program in Georgia, we have the expertise and dedicated pediatric surgeons to deliver specialized care to kids and teens.