1817 results

Young female athletes are built differently, with their own unique needs. Our pediatric orthopedic expert discusses common injuries in girls’ sports.

The Sickle Cell Disease Pain Treatment Program provides pain treatment clinics and hospital services for children and teens with sickle cell disease who have frequent, severe and chronic pain.

Children's provides comprehensive evaluation, management and coordinated care for kids with pulmonary hypertension.

Our athletic training resources help parents after a teen is injured playing sports, or if you need pre-season conditioning and nutritional counseling for your growing athlete.

The VolunTEEN Program and the Explorer Program are two hospital volunteer opportunities for Atlanta teens interested in learning about healthcare and giving back.

This episode gives insight and tips to help keep your family safe this summer.

Our pediatric plastic surgeons listen to every teen’s concerns and help set expectations if a breast surgery is necessary.

Shin splints can be painful for growing athletes. Here are some ways to recognize risk factors for shin splints and tips for preventing them in kids and teens.

Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine

Make no bones about it, kids aren’t just tiny adults. Their growing bones have different needs, which is why they need a pediatric orthopedic specialist.

Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine

Our plastic surgeons at Children’s are specially trained to perform rhinoplasty on kids and teens with birth defects, a deviated septum or trauma to the nose.