family smiling outside

Making a Lasting Impact

For the hundreds of children we care for every day, donor contributions—both big and small—allow us to provide specialized pediatric care for Georgia's kids.

As a not-for-profit organization, we rely on the support of our donors.

We are fortunate to have the support of our community. And, although their stories and reasons for giving are as unique as the kids we treat, our donors share one thing in common: Their generous gifts will change young lives for the better, for years to come.

By investing in Children's, our community of donors helped transform pediatric healthcare in Georgia. Contributions to the Never Settle Campaign will be invested into:

  • Finding more cures for complex diseases through clinical research
  • Better accommodating families who require extended care
  • Sharing our knowledge and, thus, advancing pediatric care nationwide
  • Provide a space for healing and relaxation, in addition to treatment
  • Training the next generation of care providers

Continue the Journey

Help us continue raising the bar to provide the most advanced pediatric care available to kids throughout Georgia and beyond.


Why I Never Settled

Lacey and their family


“You would be surprised how far a small donation can go, how easily it can brighten someone’s otherwise very dark and challenging day. Our hope is that these things can bring a smile to at least one person. If we do that, then we have succeeded.”

— Lacey Schoenbachler, Individual Donor and Patient Family

Podojils family photo 

“If you have never had experience with Children’s, it may be difficult to envision the impact they are making on this community. Not only are these some of the most brilliant practitioners in the nation, but they are ferociously human. The team at Children’s believes in treating the whole family. For those who have donated in the past, whether it was $5 or $5 million, the impact will continue to support the amazing work being done by amazing people.”

— Jeff Podojil, Individual Donor and Patient Family