1817 results

Want to know if your child is ready to play sports again after an ACL surgery or knee injury? Our sports physical therapists recommend functional testing.

Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine, Sports Medicine Primary Care

Overuse injuries occur over time, and their symptoms may be subtle. Learn how to help prevent overuse injuries that commonly affect teen athletes.

Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine

Does your child or teen have a fear of needles? Here’s how you can help them address their fear of getting immunizations or vaccines.

Adolescent Medicine, Primary Care

A pediatric sports physical therapist can help your teen recover safely and quickly after an injury, and get him back to the game he loves.

Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine

Learn why Children’s pediatric sports medicine doctors could be key to keeping your teen athlete in the game, whether he’s playing for fun or a shot at the pros.

The episode helps families navigate kids with perfectionism and how to have meaningful conversations about mental and behavioral health.

Heat, dehydration, and improper stretching or warmups can increase a growing athlete’s chance of getting leg and muscle cramps.

Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine

Mental health expert, Erin Harlow-Parker, wants to destigmatize and prevent suicide by sharing the story of her late husband and former MARTA CEO, Jeff Parker.

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