Institute for Healthcare and Human Trafficking
About the Institute on Healthcare and Human Trafficking
The Institute on Healthcare and Human Trafficking operates within the Stephanie V. Blank Center for Safe and Healthy Children as a collaboration between the Center for Safe and Healthy Children, the Mark Chaffin Center for Healthy Development within the School of Public Health at Georgia State University, and the Emory University Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences. It acts as a central resource for medical and behavioral health professionals seeking information on sex and labor trafficking involving children and adults.
Our goals are to:
- Raise awareness among health professionals about labor and sex trafficking of children and adults.
- Improve the ability of health professionals to recognize potential victims and respond appropriately.
- Contribute to the body of research on human trafficking.
In pursuit of these goals, the Institute on Healthcare and Human Trafficking:
- Provides a clearinghouse of existing resources and research for prevention, identification, intervention and treatment.
- Offers online and on-site training and education to medical and behavioral health professionals working with adults and children.
- Provides a calendar of events related to human trafficking within the U.S.
- Provides technical assistance to health professionals seeking to design office, clinic and/or hospital protocols or develop programs on human trafficking.
- Conducts research on human trafficking.
A significant challenge in trying to address the complex problem of human trafficking is knowing just how widespread it is. At the Institute on Healthcare and Human Trafficking, we recognize that human trafficking is a public health issue. This perspective guides our purpose as well as the trainings and educational resources we offer.
Reliable estimates of the prevalence of human trafficking are difficult to ascertain, given the criminal nature of the activity, differing definitions of human trafficking, lack of a centralized database, underreporting by victims and various methodological challenges encountered in research. Globally, the International Labour Organization (ILO) and others estimated that 24.9 million people were victims of forced labor in 2016 (including forced labor in the private economy, state-imposed forced labor, forced sexual exploitation of adults and commercial sexual exploitation of children); 18% of these were children (4.5 million). Of the 15.4 million living in a forced marriage, 37% (5.7 million) were children. Approximately 1 million children were victims of commercial sexual exploitation in 2016 (excluding forced marriage). However, it is important to keep in mind that any estimate of prevalence must be accompanied by an understanding of the inherent challenges involved with measurement and the likely inaccuracies associated with those challenges.
Reference: International Labour Organization. Global estimates of modern slavery: Forced labour and forced marriage. Geneva, Switzerland: Author. Available here. Accessed on Dec. 12, 2017.
Viewing human trafficking through a public health lens, we can use a multidisciplinary approach to identify and characterize the individual, relationship, community and societal vulnerabilities that facilitate victimization. Based on methodologically rigorous and sound research, we can design and scientifically evaluate programs, strategies and policies of prevention and intervention. A public health framework acknowledges that human trafficking affects a large population, directly or indirectly, and impacts the health and well-being of the society. It encourages the use of limited resources to target those at highest risk. In addition, a public health approach recognizes that we cannot combat human trafficking in a vacuum. We must simultaneously address other major problems that marginalize our community members and increase their vulnerability: poverty, substance use, mental health disorders and community violence, to name a few.
At the Institute on Healthcare and Human Trafficking, our goal is to address human trafficking with a public health response. We offer healthcare professionals resources for primary and secondary prevention through training, education, technical assistance, a clearinghouse of resources and ongoing research on human trafficking.
Research suggests that a high percentage of victims will, at some point during their exploitation, seek medical care. In one study of adolescent and adult sex trafficking survivors in the U.S., 88% reported seeking attention from a healthcare provider.1 It is imperative that medical and behavioral healthcare professionals, including physicians, psychologists, nurses, advanced practitioners, counselors and social workers, are educated about human trafficking and prepared to recognize potential victims and respond appropriately. There is a need for a centralized resource for healthcare providers to obtain high-quality education and training about human trafficking as well as to easily access resources from a wide variety of sources. The Institute on Healthcare and Human Trafficking is that hub.
1 Lederer, L. J. (2014). Annals Health Law.On-Demand Training With the Institute on Healthcare and Human Trafficking
Our Advocacy Work
The Institute on Healthcare and Human Trafficking works with organizations worldwide to raise awareness of human trafficking. Our representatives are part of the following national committees and national and international organizations:
- National Advisory Committee (NAC) on the Sex Trafficking of Children and Youth in the United States (Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Office on Trafficking in Persons): The role of the NAC is to advise the secretary and the attorney general on practical and general policies concerning improvements to the nation’s response to the sex trafficking of children and youth in the U.S.
- National Human Trafficking Training and Technical Assistance Center (NHTTAC) (Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Office on Trafficking in Persons): The NHTTAC provides training and technical assistance to enhance the public health response to human trafficking and holistically builds the capacity of communities to identify and appropriately respond to the complex needs of trafficked persons.
- International Society on the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (ISPCAN): ISPCAN is an international multidisciplinary society of professionals dedicated to preventing and treating child abuse, neglect and exploitation.
- Health, Education, Advocacy and Linkage (HEAL) Trafficking: HEAL is an international group of multidisciplinary professionals addressing human trafficking through a public health approach.
- American Hospital Association Advisory Board on Human Trafficking.
Some of our recent advocacy activities include:
- U.S. Department of Justice Human Trafficking Summit, Washington, D.C. Presented on panel “Restoring Freedom/Empowering Victim Support.”
- American Hospital Association convening on human trafficking, Washington D.C. Presented on work of Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta, Institute on Healthcare and Human Trafficking.
- Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Agency (SAMHSA) Human Trafficking and Child Trauma Expert Panel Meeting, Washington D.C.
New Developments in Human Trafficking
- Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Trafficking in Persons, 2020
- Public Health Impact of COVID-19 on Human Trafficking, 2020
- Trafficked by a Friend: Adolescent Victim Archival Case Files, 2020
- Trafficking in Persons Report, 2020
- No Youth Left Behind to HT: Exploring Profiles of Risk, 2019
- Friends, Family and Boyfriends: An Analysis of Relationship Pathways Into CSE, 2019
- Reports and Victims of Sex and Labor Trafficking in a Major Midwest Metropolitan Area, 2008-2017, 2019
- Survivor Insights: Role of Technology in DMST, 2018
- UNODC Global Report on Trafficking in Persons, 2018
- Child Trafficking: Issues for Policy and Practice, 2018
- Familial Sex Trafficking of Minors: Trafficking Conditions, Clinical Presentation, and System Involvement, 2018
- Typology of Modern Slavery, 2017
- Global Estimates of Modern Slavery, 2017
- International Sex Trafficking, 2017
- Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking Patients: A Retrospective Analysis of Medical Presentation, 2017
- Baseline Characteristics of Dependent Youth Who Have Been Commercially Sexually Exploited, 2017
- Policy response and service provision to child victims of commercial sexual exploitation in the West African region, 2017
- Harrowing Journeys: Children and Youth on the Move Across Mediterranean at Risk of Trafficking and Exploitation, 2017
- Child Sex Trafficking in the United States: Challenges for the Healthcare Provider, 2017
- Violence in Particular Against Women and Children, 2016
- More Than Drinks for Sale: Exposing Human Trafficking in Cantinas, 2016
- Child Victims of Human Trafficking: Outcomes and Service Adaptation within the U.S., 2015
- Targeting Vulnerabilities Impact of Syrian War and Refugee Situation on Trafficking in Persons, 2015
- Estimating the Size and Structure of the Underground Commercial Sex Economy in Eight Major U.S. Cities, 2014
- Children on the Run, 2014
- Organized Crime Involvement in TIP and Smuggling of Migrants, 2010
- Unaccompanied Children in the United States: Literature Review, 2008
- Human Trafficking in Illicit Massage Businesses
- Global Plan of Action to Strengthen the Role of the Health System Within a National Multisectoral Response to Address Interpersonal Violence, in Particular Against Women and Girls, and Against Children
- Prevalence and Correlates of Sex Exchange Among a Nationally Representative Sample of Adolescents and Young Adults
- Confidential Screening for Sex Trafficking Among Minors in a Pediatric Emergency Department
- Descriptive Study of US Based HT Specialty Clinics, 2020
- Substance Use, Mental Health, and Child Welfare Profiles of Juvenile Justice-Involved CSEC Youth, 2020
- Healthcare Access for Foreign National Survivors of Trafficking, 2019
- A Medical Safe Haven for Survivors of Trafficking, 2019
- Association between STI and CSE in Children Under 16 Years Old Attending Sexual Health Clinics in England, 2019
- CSE Youths’ Health Care Experiences, Barriers and Recommendations, 2018
- ICD-10-CM Coding for Human Trafficking, 2018
- Multi-level Prevention of Human Trafficking: The Role of Health Care Professionals, 2018
- “One Size Does Not Fit All:” A Proposed Ecological Model for Human Trafficking Intervention, 2018
- Commercially sexually exploited youths’ health care experiences, barriers, and recommendations: A qualitative analysis, 2018
- Identifying Health Experiences of Domestically Sex-Trafficked Women in the US, 2017
- Identifying Health Experiences of Domestically Sex-Trafficked Women in the USA: A Qualitative Study in Rikers Island Jail, 2017
- Trafficking and Trauma: Insight and Advice for the Healthcare System From Sex-trafficked Women Incarcerated on Rikers Island, 2017
- Physician Encounters with Human Trafficking: Legal Consequences and Ethical Considerations, 2017
- Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children: Health Care Use and Case Characteristics, 2017
- Adolescent Victims of Commercial Sexual Exploitation versus Sexually Abused Adolescents, 2017
- Trafficking Experiences and Psychosocial Features of Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking Victims, 2017
- Health Care and Human Trafficking: We are Seeing the Unseen, 2016
- Prevalence and Risk of Violence and the Mental Health Problems Associated with Human Trafficking, 2016
- Human Trafficking and Health: A Survey of Male and Female Survivors in England, 2016
- Responding to the Health Needs of Survivors of Human Trafficking: A Systematic Review, 2016
- Assessing Exploitation Experiences of Girls and Boys seen at a Child Advocacy Center, 2015
- Child Sex Trafficking and Commercial Sexual Exploitation: Health Care Needs of Victims, 2015
- Characteristics of Child Commercial Sexual Exploitation and Sex Trafficking Victims Presenting for Medical Care in the U.S., 2015
- Mental Health Service Needs of CSEC: Voices of Survivors and Stakeholders, 2020
- A Relational-Cultural Theory Approach to Work with Survivors of Sex Trafficking, 2020
- Behavioral Health Treatment ‘Buy-in’ Among Adolescent Females With Histories of CSE, 2019
- Labor Trafficking Cases 2008-2018 Data Analysis, 2019
- Dance/Movement Therapy in Cross-Cultural Practice: Fostering Assertiveness With Torture Survivors, 2019
- Comparison of Psychological Symptoms in Survivors of Sex and Labor Trafficking, 2018
- Identifying Gaps in Human Trafficking Mental Health Service Provision, 2018
- Psychological Consequences of Child Trafficking: An Historical Cohort Study of Trafficked Children in Contact With Secondary Mental Health Services, 2018
- Mental Health Services as a Vital Component of Psychosocial Recovery for Victims of Child Trafficking for Commercial Sexual Exploitation, 2018
- International Emergency Psychiatry Challenges: Disaster Medicine, War, Human Trafficking, Displaced Persons, 2017
- Labor Trafficking Victimizations: Repeat Victimization and Polyvictimization, 2017
- Treating Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Female Victims of Trafficking Using Narrative Exposure Therapy: A Retrospective Audit, 2017
- Trauma-Informed Psychological Assessment of Human Trafficking Survivors, 2017
- APA Report of the Task Force on Trafficking of Women and Girls, 2014
- Adolescents Selling Sex: Exposure to Abuse, Mental Health, Self-harm Behavior and Need for Help and Support, 2013
- DMST: A Case Series of Male Pediatric Patients, 2020
- “They Chase Us Like Dogs”: Exploring the Vulnerabilities of “Ladyboys” in the Cambodian Sex Trade, 2018
- Systematic Review of State of Literature on Sexually Exploited Boys Internationally, 2018
- Rethinking Research on Sexual Exploitation of Boys: Methodological Challenges and Recommendations to Optimize Future Knowledge Generation, 2017
- “A Boy Being a Victim, Nobody Really Buys That, You Know?” Dynamics of Sexual Violence Against Boys, 2017
- Boys Are Not Exempt: Sexual Exploitation of Adolescents in Sub-Saharan Africa, 2017
- Immaterial Boys? A Large-Scale Exploration of Gender-Based Differences in Child Sexual Exploitation Service Users, 2017
- No Other Choice: A Baseline Study on the Vulnerabilities of Males in the Sex Trade in Chiang Mai, Thailand, 2017
- An Initial Exploration of Prostitution of Boys In the West African Region, 2017
- They Didn’t Help Me, They Shamed Me, 2015
- The Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Male Minors in the United States, 2013
- ECPAT USA: And Boys Too, 2013
- The Exploitation of Boys and Youth in the Massage Trade in India, 2013
- Under the Radar Sexual Exploitation of Young Men in Canada, 2009
- Women are Victims, Men Make Choices, 2008
- Comparing Sex Buyers with Men Who Do Not Buy Sex, 2017
- Entrapment and Enmeshment Schemes Used By Sex Traffickers, 2016
- A Vile and Violent Thing: Female Traffickers and the Criminal Justice Response, 2015
- Women, Brokerage and Transnational Organized crime: Empirical Results From Dutch Organized Crime Monitor, 2014
- Listening to the Demand: Study of Men Who Buy Sex From Female Prostitutes in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, 2014
- Reducing Demand for HT, A Nonlinear Approach for Developing Capacity, 2010
- From Victims to Victimizers: Interviews With 25 Ex Pimps in Chicago, 2010
- Women Who Traffic Women: The Role of Women In HT Networks: Dutch cases, 2010
- Profiling the Traffickers, 2008
- Traffickers and Trafficking in Southern and Eastern Europe, 2008
- Of Vice and Men, 2008
- Survey of Child Welfare and Labor Trafficking in California, 2020
- Inside the Lives of Immigrant Teens Working Dangerous Night Shifts in Suburban Factories, 2020
- Human Trafficking at Home: Labor Trafficking of Domestic Workers, 2019
- Labor Trafficking Cases 2008-2018 Data Analysis, 2019
- Children at Work, Child Labor and Modern Slavery in India: An Overview, 2019
- USDOL 2017 Findings on Worst Forms of Child Labor, 2018
- USDOL 2018 List of Goods Produced by Child Labor or Forced Labor, 2018
- Towards the Urgent Elimination of Hazardous Child Labour, 2018
- Ending Child Labor by 2025 Review of Policies and Programs 2018
- Child Labor and Health: Systematic Literature Review Low and Middle Income Countries, 2018
- Global Estimates of Modern Slavery, 2017
- Child Labor Trafficking in the US, 2017
- Labor Trafficking Victimizations: Repeat Victimization and Polyvictimization, 2017
- Labour Trafficking Among Men and Boys GMS, 2016
- Exposures Resulting in Safety and Health Concerns for Child Laborers in Less Developed Countries, 2016
- Findings on the Worst Forms of Child Labor, 2016
- Labour Exploitation, Trafficking and Migrant Health, 2015
- Stories from Lake Volta: Lived Experiences of Trafficked Children in Ghana, 2015
- Knocking at Your Door: Labor Trafficking on Traveling Sales Crews, 2015
- Labour Exploitation and Health: Men and Women Seeking Post-Trafficking Services, 2014
- Understanding the Organization, Operation, and Victimization Process of Labor Trafficking in the U.S., 2014
- Looking for a Hidden Population: Trafficking of Migrant Laborers in San Diego, 2012
- Hard Work, Long Hours and Little Pay: Children Working on Tobacco Farms, 2009
- Contemporary Forms of Slavery in Brazil, 2006
- A Four-year Analysis of Labor Trafficking Cases in US_ Exploring Characteristics and Labor Trafficking Patterns
- Victimization and Resilience Among Sexual and Gender Minority Homeless Youth Engaging in Survival Sex, 2020
- Prevalence and Correlates of Youth Homelessness in the US, 2018
- Sanctioned Stigma in Health Care Settings and Harm to LGBT Youth, 2018
- Access to Safety: Health Outcomes, Substance Use and Service Provision for LGBTQ, 2016
- Surviving the Streets of New York: Experiences of LGBTQ, YMSM and YWSW in Survival Sex, 2015
- Transgender Youth: Invisible and Vulnerable, 2006
- Challenges Faced by Homeless Sexual Minorities, 2002
- Review of Published Curriculum on Sex Trafficking for Undergrad Med Trainees, 2020
- Training Residents on Understanding Trafficked Humans, 2020
- Multidisciplinary HT Education Inpatient and Outpatient Settings, 2020
- Assessing Family Medicine Residency Programs’ Training on HT: A National Survey of Program Directors, 2020
- Increasing Child Serving Professionals’ Awareness and Understanding of the Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children, 2018
- Development and Assessment of an Online Training for Medical Response to Sex Trafficking of Minors, 2018
- Assessment Tool for Healthcare Provider HT Training, 2018
- Educating Emergency Department Staff on the Identification and Treatment of Human Trafficking Victims, 2018
- Training U.S. Health Care Professionals on Human Trafficking: Where Do We Go From Here, 2017
- Health Provider Experience with Protocol for the Identification and Treatment of Human Trafficking Victims, 2016
- Review of U.S. Health Care Institution Protocols on Human Trafficking, 2016
- Child Sex Trafficking Recognition, Intervention and Referral: An Education Framework for HCP Education Programs, 2015
- Integrating Curricula on Human Trafficking into Medical Education and Residency Training, 2014
- Human Trafficking Review of Educational Resources for Health Professionals, 2013
- Online Child Sexual Exploitation of Children in the Philippines, 2020
- Exploiting Isolation: Offenders and Victims of OCSE During COVID-19, 2020
- Internet Watch Foundation Annual Report, 2019
- Sexting and Young Adolescents: Associations with CSA and IPV, 2019
- Prevalence Multiple Forms Sexting Behavior Among Youth, 2018
- Prevalence and Risk Factors Among Minors for Online Sexual Solicitations and Interactions With Adults, 2018
- Persuasion Strategies and Sexual Solicitations and Interactions in Online Sexual Grooming of Adolescents, 2018
- Offense Processes of Online Sexual Grooming and Abuse of Children Via Internet Communication Platforms, 2017
- Canadian Centre for Child Protection: Survivors’ Survey, 2017
- Sexy Online Self-presentation on Social Network Sites and Willingness to Engage in Sexting, 2017
- Report on the Use of Technology to Recruit, Groom and Sell DMST Victims, 2015
- Online Child Sexual Exploitation: Prevalence, Process and Offender Characteristics, 2014
- Research Findings on Child Sexual Abuse Images and CSE online, 2009
- Abuse Characteristics and Psychiatric Consequences Associated with Online Sexual Abuse
- Online ‘Predators’ and Their Victims: Myths, Realities and Implications for Prevention and Treatment, 2008
- Youth Internet Users at Risk for the Most Serious Online Sexual Solicitations, 2007
- Recognizing Human Trafficking Among Homeless Youth, 2017
- Labor and Sex Trafficking Among Homeless Youth, 10 City Study, 2017
- Youth Involvement in Sex Trade National Study, 2016
- ACF FYSB Street Outreach Program Final Report, 2016
- Correlates of Engaging Survival Sex Among Homeless Youth and Young Adults, 2011
- It's Not What You Think: Sexually Exploited Youth in British Columbia, 2008
- Prevalence and Correlates of Survival Sex Among Runaway and Homeless Youth, 1999
- HCP Preserve Access to Care and Protect Patients From Border Patrol and ICE, 2020
- Human Trafficking in the ED: Improving Our Response to a Vulnerable Population, 2020
- PEARR Tool: Trauma-Informed Approach to Victim Assistance in Health Care Settings, 2020
- Screening for Human Trafficking Among Homeless Young Adults, 2019
- Adult Human Trafficking Screening Tool and Guide, 2018
- United Nations Glossary on Sexual Exploitation and Abuse, 2017
- Dignity Health HT response program shared learnings manual, 2017
- Screening for victims of sex trafficking in the ED Pilot program, 2017
- Validation of the CSEC identification tool: Technical report, 2017
- Terminology Guidelines for the Protection of Children from Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse, 2016
- HEAL Trafficking Toolkit for developing a response to victims of HT in healthcare settings, 2016
- Practical Guide to Implementing the National CLAS Standards, 2016
- Children's Healthcare of Atlanta Clinical Practice Guidelines for Assessment and Treatment of Potential Victims of Child Sex Trafficking and Commercial Sexual Exploitation, 2015
- Screening for HT: Guidelines for administering the trafficking victim identification tool (TVIT), 2014
- Short screen for children at risk for sex trafficking
- Caring for Trafficked Persons: Guidance for Health Providers, 2009
- Guidelines for Care of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Patients, 2006
- World Health Organization Ethical and Safety Recommendations for Interviewing Trafficked Women, 2003
- National Standards for Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services in Health and Health Care, 2000
- HEAL Essential Components for a Health Professional HT Training
- Improving Health Care Services for Trafficked Persons: The Complete Toolkit
- Gender, Rights and Responsibilities: The Need for a Global Analysis of the Sexual Exploitation of Boys
- Youth Internet Safety Education: Aligning Programs With the Evidence Base, 2020
- Adapting a Family Intervention to Reduce Risk Factors for Sexual Exploitation, 2020
- A Longitudinal Evaluation of a Survivor-Mentor Program for Child Survivors of Sex Trafficking in the US, 2020
- What Works to Prevent Sexual Violence Against Children, 2019
- Evaluation of a Multi-Session Group Designed to Prevent CSEC: The My Life My Choice Curriculum, 2019
- Human Trafficking and Domestic Violence Fact Sheet, 2018
- Human Trafficking: Protecting Our Youth
- OTIP pocket assessment card
- OTIP Out of the Shadows: Exposing the Myths of Human Trafficking
- OTIP health care poster
- OTIP health provider assessment card
- OTIP health care provider assessment card
- OTIP domestic servitude poster
Contact Us 404-785-5004