1816 results

Children’s follows the American Hospital Association’s guidelines on HIPAA-mandated privacy regulations for releasing information on the condition of patients.

Avoiding Burnout by Making Music

Children’s pediatric surgeon Paul Parker uses music to help avoid burnout.

Concierge Services

The Children’s Concierge helps busy physicians achieve work-life success and tackle personal to-do lists.

Benefits of Practicing Yoga

Children’s physicians Lucky Jain, MD, and Anthony Cooley, MD, practice and share yoga as a way to restore the body and mind.

Helping Physicians Leave Stress Behind

Check out these five steps that help give physicians and nurses guidance to de-stress after a busy workday.

Healthy Aging and Living Well

Several factors contribute to the healthy aging and emotional well-being of doctors. Learn more about what those are.

Children’s physicians weigh in on the recent spike in hepatitis cases in kids.

Children’s infectious disease physicians weigh in on the signs and symptoms of parechovirus and when you should bring your child to their pediatrician.

Infectious Diseases