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Learn about resources and information at Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta to help transition to life after the hospital.

Kids at Heart offers parents, families and caregivers of kids with congenital heart defects a supportive community and helpful resources.

Children's Healthcare of Atlanta offers specialized care that kids deserve from pediatric doctors, nurses & specialists who understand their unique needs.

Because nothing matters more than your kids, we provide them with the advanced specialty care they deserve.

Our expert neurologists at Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta deliver specialized treatment and care for children and teens with neurological disorders.

Children’s offers state-of-the-art Neonatal Intensive Care Units (NICUs) for critically ill newborns and premature infants across the Southeast

Learn more about the diagnosis, symptoms, treatment and future of children who are born with Tetralogy of Fallot.

Learn why Children’s pediatric sports medicine doctors could be key to keeping your teen athlete in the game, whether he’s playing for fun or a shot at the pros.

Learn how to prevent the flu in children, how to treat flu symptoms in kids, when to take kids with the flu to the doctor and how the COVID-19 pandemic should affect what you do about the flu.