If your child is scheduled for sports surgery at one of the Children's Healthcare of Atlanta hospitals or outpatient surgery centers, it is important that you bring the correct type of clothing for her to wear home after the procedure. Some surgeries may require heavy bandaging or a brace, so it is helpful if your child wears loose, more comfortable clothing to the hospital or outpatient surgery center.

Your child should wear shorts or pants that should fit loosely so that they can be worn over bandages and braces after surgery. Bracing is often recommended after anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) repair and other surgeries that may require a controlled range of motion to help protect the area as it heals.

Take a look at some of the braces we use after ACL reconstruction. Some are bulky, which is why we encourage baggy clothing to be worn to the hospital or surgery center.

The type of brace used after your child’s upper extremity procedure will make it difficult for her to wear form-fitting clothing. Bring loose, oversized clothing such as an oversized shirt, sweatshirt, button-up shirt or zip-up jacket to be worn home after surgery.

We also encourage girls to wear a sports bra or tube top that can be easily adjusted the day of surgery. It can remain on during surgery and be worn underneath the brace after surgery.

Take a look at some of the braces used after upper extremity surgery. Although the model is wearing a top to show the braces, your child will not be wearing a shirt beneath these devices. It’s important to bring clothing that can be worn over the brace.

If your child is having surgery on the lower body, she may need crutches for a few days or weeks after surgery. The surgery center does not supply crutches, but you can buy them from the pharmacy located on the first floor of the Meridian Mark Plaza. Check with your insurance company to find out whether the cost of crutches is reimbursed. If you would like us to show your child how to use crutches properly, bring the crutches with you on the day of surgery.

Donating equipment

We welcome donations of used equipment from Children’s that is no longer needed, as long as it is clean and in good condition. We may be able to reuse knee immobilizers, shoulder braces, cold-therapy devices and other orthotics or equipment.