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Give the Gift of Childhood

As a not-for-profit organization serving kids across the state of Georgia, Children's depends on donors like you to help us provide quality pediatric care. From innovative treatments and clinical trials to puppy play dates, holiday decorating and visits from Santa, we can fund all of this and more with your support.

Send an ecard with your donation below. Or if you would just like to make a donation, click here.

Honoree Information

Send an eCard Notification of Your Honor Gift

Sending an eCard is a great way to honor family and friends with a meaningful donation. Once your gift is processed, your eCard will be sent automatically on the date you select below.

If you would like to print your eCard to deliver personally, fill in your email address below and it will be sent to you for printing and delivering.

This form is set up to send 1 eCard per transaction and message is limited to 250 characters. When making multiple donations, please wait 5 minutes between each transaction. If you would like to send multiple ecards for a single donation made, please contact choagiving@choa.org for assistance.